Friday, January 29, 2010

Learning Curve: Retrohaling

So, as I'm trying to better educate myself on cigars and how to smoke cigars I've been poking around the internet looking for info. Luckily, everyone and their mom has an opinion on cigars, so I'm not lacking in advice.

In my poking I found this video where he explains the process of retrohailing and how it's exhailing the smoke that you're holding in your mouth out through your nose with out drawing it into your lungs. Makes sense, that's part of tea-tasting, wine-tasting, chocolate-tasting, food-tasting, just tasting in general.

So, I tried it.

Please, someone, call the police. This man is clearly trying to kill me.

In his defense, I think I might be doing it wrong. So, maybe I need to practice a bit more because there's no way I'm going to be hacking and gagging like this in public.

I'm still looking for any and all info. So, if you have some I will gladly accept it.

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